Well Baby Clinic
In collaboration with KMHC community health nurses and family doctors, the well baby clinic provides family doctor registration, routine wellness visits, vaccinations, and referrals to community programs for Kahnawake’s babies and children. Our knowledgeable Well-Baby clinic nurses provide child health education guided by best practice guidelines, as well as breastfeeding support and information. Family-Child health and wellness are at the forefront of our services.
Each child’s growth and developmental milestones are routinely assessed at each visit: 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and yearly from 2-4 years old. Age-appropriate vaccines are offered as per Quebec’s immunization schedule at corresponding wellness visits.
Any questions or concerns regarding your child’s growth and development will be addressed during your WBC visit. These routine visits are an important early detection tool for discovering possible heath concerns.

Additional Information
Well Baby Clinic Literacy Program
Learning to read and speak start from birth. Talking, singing and reading with babies and young children help develop their literacy skills. KMHC’s Well Baby Clinic literacy program is a feature that our families look forward to at their children’s visits. At each routine visit, every child receives an age appropriate book to promote early literacy. Concerns regarding your child’s communication development can be addressed by well baby clinic nurses and doctors, and referrals to appropriate community resources will be made.
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