Infection Prevention and Control
By providing support to all other services of the KMHC, the Infection Prevention and Control service helps to strengthen and uphold the use of best practices in infection prevention and control (IPAC) in order to promote, maintain, and improve the health and safety of clients.
IPAC is achieved through the practice of Routine Practices and Additional Precautions, all aimed at promoting health and preventing illness while maintaining the mission and values of the KMHC.
At the core of IPAC is a culture of safety where clients, families, staff, and volunteers are valued and protected.
Visitors, caregivers, or family members should be screened for symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. If symptoms are present, they should postpone their visit until fully recovered, unless the visit is essential. If essential, the symptomatic visitor, caregiver, or family member must wear a procedure mask at all times.
The Public Health Unit at KMHC recommends that masks are no longer required in clinical areas, except in the following situations:
Healthcare workers:
- In presence of all patients/family members who present or develop symptoms of a respiratory infection*.
- Following high-risk exposure to a case of COVID-19 without adequate protection for 10 days following an exposure (in this case a N95 respirator is necessary).
- On units with a respiratory virus outbreak. (N95 respirator is recommended for COVID-19 outbreak; a procedure mask is recommended for other respiratory virus outbreak.
- Any healthcare worker with infectious symptoms should not be present at work until the resolution of symptoms. The healthcare worker needs to call 44-FLU and be tested for COVID-19 and optional for other respiratory viruses at the testing center.
For Patients:
- In the presence of symptoms of a respiratory infection*.
- On units with a COVID-19 or other respiratory virus outbreak when a healthcare worker is present.
- Masks for severely immunocompromised, even in the absence of symptoms.