Respite Care
Respite Bed
KMHC offers one respite bed in LTC, available to community members living at home with a primary caregiver. This bed is available for 1 to 2 weeks to provide caregivers with a break from daily responsibilities. Admission to the respite bed is overseen by the Short Term Care physician and follows similar criteria to LTC admissions.
Residents receive 24/7 care, and the care plan is created based on family-provided information. For individuals on the LTC waiting list, respite care can help ease their transition to permanent placement.
The patient’s physician must make the initial referral, and the patient must be stable, as this is not an acute care admission. Fees are equivalent to LTC residents but charged on a daily rate. Cable television is provided. For availability, contact the LTC social worker on the 2nd floor at 450-638-3930, dial 0.
What to Bring
It is recommended to bring the following items:
- Medicare card (RAMQ) / ata’karitátshera aohiatónhsera
- List of medications / sanonhkwa’shón:’a tsi nikahiatónnion
- Clothing / Atahkwénnia
- Personal hygiene products / Teiontia’tawiróhare’táhkwa’shón:’a
Residents are welcome to bring comforting items, such as special blankets, pillows, photos, or stuffed animals. Please note that no powders are allowed.
All electrical appliances (e.g., radios, fans) must be checked and approved by Plant Services before use in the room.
Televisions are supplied by the resident or family, and the family must contact the cable company to activate the service. You will need to provide your name, the resident’s room number, and the date of admission.