KMHC to host Hema-Québec Blood Donor Clinic
For immediate release (Kahnawake – 11, Seskehkó:wa/September 2024) Tehsakotitsén:tha Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC) is pleased to announce that it…
For immediate release (Kahnawake – 11, Seskehkó:wa/September 2024) Tehsakotitsén:tha Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC) is pleased to announce that it…
For immediate release (Kahnawake – 10, Seskehkó:wa/September 2024) Angus L. Montour, Electoral Officer for the upcoming election for two (2)…
For immediate release (Kahnawake – 17, Ohiarihkó:wa/July 2024) Tehsakotitsén:tha Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC)wishes to inform its clients and the…