Users Rights and Responsibilities
Your responsibilities as a User of KMHC Services
Provide pertinent information on your health and participate in decisions affecting your health and well-being. Be respectful towards staff, other clients or visitors. Encourage and maintain relations that are courteous, patient, discreet and respectful. Follow the rules and regulation of the establishment.
Use services responsibly; e.g. be on time for appointments. Respect the rights and property of other clients, employees and the establishment. Be considerate regard to noise levels and visiting hours
As a User of Health Care Services at the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre The following is a partial list of your Rights and Responsibilities:
- To be treated with respect and dignity
- To privacy receiving any aspect of personal care
- To freely practice cultural and spiritual beliefs, and pursue social interests unless the practice interferes with the health and welfare of another client
- To die with dignity, honor and to respect your last wishes when they are known
- To receive services that are appropriate, safe and personalized
- To participate in all decisions regarding you care
- To give consent or to refuse care and services
- To be informed of your state of health and of the various options open to you, as well as the pros and cons associated with those options
To be informed of:
- Any accident that occurred while care
- The actual or potential consequences
- The measures that can be taken to eliminate or reduce consequences suffered
- All measures taken to prevent such an accident from recurring
- To consult your health record in the company of Health Record Administrator or Doctor
- To have your health record kept confidential
- To make full use of the hospital center’s user complaint process without fear of retribution
- To be elected to the KMHC Board of Directors
- To participate on the Risk and Quality Management Committee or User’s Committee