Strategic Plan
Strategic Orientations (2020 – 2025)
As presented in 2020, KMHC has four main strategic orientations, each founded in two orientations that transcend everything we do. These two foundaional orientations are:
- Deepening Kanien’kehá:ka Ways of Working, which we see as the fabric of who we are and what we do
- Secondly, improving External and Internal Communications.
KMHC’s four strategic orientations for 2020-2025 are as follows:
- Quality & Safety: to develop and enhance services in line with community needs using a quality improvement and innovation approach.
- Staff Wellness & Engagement: foster and enhance partnership between staff and management, using a bottom-up approach.
- Structures & Processes Adapted to Reflect Changing Needs: clinical needs addressed through budget planning, update administrative structures, sys¬tems, and processes, and update strategic funding development options based on community need.
- Enhanced Partnerships for Community Wellness: increase integration of services with KSCS, provide a leadership role in community health, and solidify external relationships