Executive Director

The Executive Director is responsible to the Board of Directors for carrying out the hospital mission. She plans, organizes, leads, controls and evaluates human, financial and material resources. She assures the coherent integration of clinic, service, administrative and operational dimensions.





Lisa Westaway

Executive Director

Director of Operations

The Director of Operations is responsible for administering activities related to auxiliary operations for inpatient and outpatient clients and assumes the maintenance of the structure of the building.






Lynda Delisle

Director of Operations

Director of Nursing

The Director of Nursing is responsible for planning, coordinating and evaluating nursing care with the goal of delivering high quality care to the clients and their families. She is accountable for the effective management of financial, human and material resources within the division of nursing.





Valerie Diabo

Director of Nursing

Director of Professional Services

The Director of Professional Services is responsible for supervising activities relating to professional services in the hospital. She provides leadership in the professional departments which enables the hospital to provide quality client care.






Dr. Suzanne Jones

Director of Professional Services










Our Mission | Our Vision